
Trauma and Identity

traume and identity Aug 25, 2024

I am a Somatic Experiencing practitioner and am working with people with severe stress, or traumas as my main occupation. 

As I see it, the most challenging trauma in the world today is our deep disconnection from big parts of our reality; both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as is the disconnection from ourselves as part of everything. 

This is not a personal trauma. It is an environmental trauma. It is a trauma which is caused from disconnection in generations. It is our heritage from our ancestors. It is our responsibility, and we can all be a part of the healing process. 

This creates a deep misunderstanding of who we really are. We loose the view of ourselves as a co-creator about what is happening around us, and often believe we are alone, even when there are billions on this planet at the same time as us. 

We believe that our feelings and emotions are a product of what others do, think, or speak. We do not see that our actions, thinking or speaking have an influence on others or the surroundings. 

It colors our identity as independent of others, at the same time as we blame others for our suffering and we do not understand our own influence on ourselves and others.

This disconnection from ourselves as a piece in the big picture, a part of everything, creates big egos. 

And,  ego is smart. It can behave as it cares, but in reality only cares about itself. It can say it knows we belong, but see itself as the center. 

When our leaders have this world view, they know their actions have influence on others, but really don't care, if it doesn´t feed their ego. They cannot relate to others suffering as their own, as they believe system is that we are separated. 

Sometimes, when the disconnection is very profound, it is impossible to take in others views, as they will see it as an attack on themselves. 

When we are attacked, the instinct  is to fight, run away or freeze.

The leaders often choose to fight. They talk about “war” for everything they want to change. “War on climate”, “war on disease”, like corona”, “war on drugs” and much more. They almost never use the word healing, and in some countries, it is even illegal to use that word. 

When we understand their behavior in this way, we also understand the reason why they do it. They are afraid, as most traumatized people are, to be abandoned, attacked and suffer more. And because they do not understand their connection to everything, they cannot relate to the fact that everything they do affects others. Not only humans, but all souls. The whole nature, animals, vegetations, water and actually everything on Mother Earth and beyond. 

But the leaders are not alone!

We are all part of what is going on. We are all influencers and what we do, speak or think affects everything including ourselves, our emotions, mental state, physical body, relations, business, finances and more. 

Healing trauma is to heal the suffering of disconnection and to create love, peace and harmony in ourselves and for all souls in the world. 

The good news is that it is possible! 


Please feel free to comment. 


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Mar 26, 2024