
Trauma and Identity

traume and identity Aug 25, 2024

As a trauma therapist, certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner, I meet many people with severe stress and trauma stored in their body and soul. 

The more I work with this, I can see that the most challenging trauma in the world today is our deep disconnection from ourselves as part of everything. 

This is not a personal trauma. It is an environmental trauma. It is a trauma which is caused from disconnection in generations. It is the inheritage from our ancestors. 

The disconnection creates a deep misunderstanding of who we really are, and colors our identity in a deep way. We think we are independent of others, and that we alone create our lives. 

We lose the view of ourselves as a co-creator about what is happening around us, and often believe we are alone, even when there are billions on this planet at the same time as us. 

However, if we take responsibility to heal ourselves, then we automatically contribute to the healing process of the world. As I said, because we are one and everything affects each other. 

Many people, or maybe most of the population on Mother Earth today, believe that our feelings and emotions, especially the negative ones, are a product of what others do to us, think about us and how they speak to us.  

It is hard to accept that our own actions, thinking or speaking have an influence on our life. 

Many do not accept that they themselves influence others or the surrounding, at the same time as they blame others for their suffering.

This disconnection from ourselves as a piece in the big picture, a part of everything, creates big egos. 

And ego is smart. It can behave as it cares, but in reality it only cares about itself. It can say it knows we belong, but sees itself as the center. 

When our leaders have this world view, they know their actions have influence on others, but often they really don't care if it doesn't feed their ego. They cannot relate to others suffering as their own, as their belief system is that we are separated and themselves the center of the world. There are a lot of examples of that in history, as well in our lifetime. 

Sometimes, when the disconnection is very profound, it is impossible to take in others' views, as they will see it as an attack on themselves. This is also a sign of narcissism, but one doesn't need to be a narcissist to have this view of life. 

When we are attacked, the instinct  is to fight, flight (run away) or freeze.

The leaders often choose to fight, even if they think they do not. They talk about “war” for everything they want to change. “War on climate”, “war on disease”, “war on drugs”, “war of poverty” and much more. 

In the world today I have never heard a leader use the word healing, even when they talk about creating peace. In some countries it is even illegal to use the word “healing” as a way to, yes, heal yourself or the world. Even the direct meaning of this word is “to make or become well again”. 

I see this as one of the most dangerous results of the disconnection from unity.

When we understand this concept of disconnection, we can also understand the reason why so many, including the world leaders', minds are so occupied with fighting. They are afraid. 

The disconnection is in reality what we call trauma. It shakes us up, creates mistrust, lack of safety, anger, sorrow, feeling of being left alone or abandoned, and a need to take care of yourself to survive. 

Traumatized people live in an inner environment where the feeling is to be in constant attack. Therefore they need to fight back, flight to survive or hide from the danger (freeze). Therefore they suffer a lot, even though they often do not admit it. Especially not those who are absolutely disconnected from a feeling of being at peace in the big energetic puzzle that we all are. 

Science has proved we all are a part of the energetic field. Not only humans, but all souls. The whole of nature, animals, vegetation, water and everything on Mother Earth and all galaxies and universes. 

When leaders do not understand, or dont want to accept this reality, they cannot relate to the fact that everything they do affects others. But the leaders are not alone!

We are all part of what is going on. 

We are all influencers as most of the world today is living in a trauma vortex. You can say, as ex buddhists and hindus do, that this is our karma. Karma means the inheritance from our ancestors and also earlier life times. Karma can be good or bad, make good things for us or opposite. 

The good thing is that it is possible to HEAL! 

The healing is to start to accept the fact that everything affects everything, and that we in reality are ONE organism in an enormous field. And that we all are Souls with the possibility to make a difference, and that we also have the power to choose what life we want to create for ourselves and others.

Then to understand and accept that you need to start with yourself. You are the one soul you are always with.Therefore the one you easiest can reach and make changes on. You have the power to change emotions, mental state, physical body, relations, business, finances, spiritual journey, yes, everything in your life. When you change your closest environment will change, when that change it will spread to other areas of life…and so it goes. It is the “butterfly effect

Then to understand that Healing Trauma is to heal the suffering of disconnection and to create love, peace and harmony in ourselves and for all Soul in all universes. 

The good news is that it is possible! 


Please feel free to comment. 

Be aware: 

This article is my own thoughts, and I have no exact evidence of the truth. When that said, I know I am not alone in this world view as many scientists, therapists, wisdom seekers and more speak about something similar. I also know that one day we will wake up and see the whole picture, and then understand we had no choice at one point. But now is the turning point and I am convinced that we in our core all want to come together as one, as we once were. This does not mean we will melt to a big mass, but to have the feeling in our hearts as ONENESS. 

If you struggle with trauma please feel free to order an appointment with me. Choose #free consultation https://booking.konfidens.no/linevivianlyng

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Hilsen Line 

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