
Mother Earth needs healing.

healing mother earth Nov 09, 2024

Humanity needs healing. All Souls living on Mother Earth need healing. 

When we heal ourselves the healing of Mother Earth will happen. . 

The time is here to collaborate, co-create and stop all competition about who is the best "healer”,because we all are healers. We all have the power to transform unbalanced information to become a field of balanced information. 

When we understand that we are one, that there is no separation, that we influence each other every time we speak, think or do something,  if it is positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, then we may understand that when we destroy anything or anyone else we destroy ourselves. When we destroy ourselves we destroy any soul, including the soul of Mother Earth

The only way the real healing of Mother Earth can happen is to heal ourselves. Purify our soul, heart, mind and body, so we become love, become peace and become harmony. 

When we become love, peace and harmony we cannot destroy anything or anyone. 

When we understand this, we also know that we all are co-creators of everything that is happening, every emotion, every thought, every speech and action that others express is also ours. 

We are all made of information, energy and matter. That is science, quantum physics. 

We have the power to change any negative information to positive information. 

The information, as is soul, heart and mind, influences our energy and then in the end our matter. 

All sickness, all challenges, all accidents everything has this gateway starting with negative information ending as a result in the matter. The same gateway of every positive happening.Therefore it is very important to be aware of what kind of information you take in.

How to do: 

Start with connecting to your Heart. 

Send love to your heart. Be the love that is in your heart. 

Do forgiveness. Forgive everyone and everything that has hurt or harmed you.

Ask for forgiveness to everyone and everything you have hurt or harmed by your thoughts, speech and actions. 

Have Compassion, see all negativity as suffering. May it be the ones that behave the most polluted way that are suffering the most. 

Let the purest light shine in your heart to influence all your speech, thoughts and actions. Vision you are sending golden light to all of them, to transform, including yourself. 

Be humble. Listen and be curious. 

When you do this you will create harmony in yourself and around you 

This will help you to flourish in health, relationships, work, finances and more

Be Grateful for everything you receive, even the things that are challenging. May that is what is the biggest teaching. Be grateful for any teaching, guidance, new information, support and more 

Be in service. Give from your heart. Share your gifts, your wisdom and knowledge with and open heart. Help those who are in need. Give a smile, friendly speak, say hello to strangers. 

The goal is enlightenment, that we all can reach, that is what our Soul is longing for. 

Wait and see.

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