

Tao Hands - Healing Hands 


Tao Hands 

is a healing modality that can create extraordinary shifts in any aspect of life, from chronic illnesses to stress, relationships, finances, business struggles and much  more.

We can also use Tao Hands as an additional modality alongside trauma therapy, meditation, yoga,  bodywork sessions and more. Always as appropriate, 

Both Line and Øivind are certified Tao Hands practitioners.

If you want to know if a Tao Hands blessing is something for you, please contact us. 


Contact and booking


You touched me deeply. Thank you so much. I felt a lot on that journey of healing that you took me on. Such a beautiful wisp of light and love. - Dawn, Colorado


Blessing var helt fantastisk. Jeg kjente at flere lag inni kroppen ble renset. Som Ă„ fĂ„ en deilig massasje av energikroppen. Veldig takknemlig. - V 


Det virker som "vondten" i knÊrne har flyttet seg nedover. Jeg kjenner mye mindre vondt nÄr jeg gÄr i dag. Har forelÞpig ikke trengt smertestillende. - TJ